

Postal Stationary

The Postal Stationary are presented in a chronological order (year of issue or cancellation), and may be more systematised on a later stage.  For now: Just enjoy! 

The Postal Stationary for 1926 and onwards you find here!


Italian Post Offices in Albania 1902



Michel P 1 (1902). 





Michel P 2 (1913), surcharge on Turkish postal stationary, cancelled 25th August 1913 in Vlone and addressed to Hungowice.  Same service cancellation as on the next one.  These overprinted Turkish postal stationary are issued in low numbers. 

Michel U 2 c.  Service cancellation without weapon.




Michel P 2 (1913), surcharge on Turkish postal stationary, cancelled 8th October 1913 in Dürres and sent to Leukerbad in Wallis in Switzerland.   Additional service cancellation as the previous.



Michel P 3 (1913). 

Michel P 5 (1913).



Michel P 4 (1913). 





Michel P 4 (1913), 10 q cancelled 29th December 1913 in Vlone and sent to Zagreb in Croatia.





Michel P 4 (1913) cancelled Shkodër 3rd March 1914, addressed to Wien in Austria.  On the back side of this card is printed a price list over Albanian stamps.

Michel P 4 (1913) + series 29 - 33 with GOLDEN cancellation Shkodër 7th March 1914.  Apparantly only 50 letters were cancelled this way.


Michel P 4 (1913).  As above right.  This card is not cancelled on front, but has the serie 29 - 33 minus nr 33, 1 Fr on the back side.

Michel P 4 (1913).  The stamps are cancelled Shkodër 1914 in GOLD.


Michel P 7 (1914) surcharged 7th March, cancelled Vlone 11th March 1914 and addressed to Vlone.

Michel P 5 (1913) answer-part, cancelled Lushje 6th April 1914 and addressed to Valona (Vlone), received in Vlone 8th April 1914.  This is a commercially used postal stationary, and characterised as rare.



Michel P 8 (1914), 10 q red, surcharged 7th March, cancelled Vlone 10th March 1914 and addressed to Valona.



Michel P 3 (1913), cancelled Vlone 9th March 1914 and addressed to Vlone.

Michel P 5 (1913), cancelled Vlone 13th March 1914 and addressed to Vlone.


Michel P 4 (1913) + 25q blue (Michel 32), cancelled Durres 15th April 1914 and addressed to Wien, Austria.

Michel P 4 (1913), cancelled Vlone 13th March 1914 and addressed to Hannover in Germany.


Michel P 4 (1913), cancelled Shkodër 3rd March 1914 and addressed to Wien, Austria.  The backside of this stationary contains a price list of Albanian stamps!

Michel P 4 (1913), cancelled Dürres 19th March 1914 and addressed to Leipzig in Germany.


Michel P 3 (1913), cancelled Dürres 30th June 1914 and addressed to Hungary.  The backside of this stationary contains a full set of the surcharged issues 2nd April 1914 (Mi 41-46), also cancelled 30th June 1914.


1914 Valona



Michel P 9 (1914), 10 q red with surcharge and cancelled Valona 15th October 1914.



1915 Essad-Post



Michel P 3 (1915), 5 q surcharged, cancelled Durazzo 13th March 1915.





Michel P 3 (1915), 5 q, cancelled Zyra e Telegraf... Elbasan 29th August 1915, sent to Durazzo.



1915 Skutari



Michel P 2 I (1914), red surcharge, cancelled Shkodër 19th March 1915.



Michel P 4 I (1915), red surcharge.

Michel P 4 I (1915), red surcharge.



Michel P 4 I (1915), red surcharge, cancelled Shkodër 19th March 1915.



1916 Austrian Military Post in Albania



Michel P 4 (1914), 10 q red, cancelled with "K u K Feldpostamt 315" 8th July 1916, with violet stamp "K.u.K. Inft.-Divis. - San.-Anstalt Nr. 67" and additional stamp in one line with same text on the side, addressed to  Josefstadt in Böhmen in Germany.





Michel P 3 (1913), cancelled 22nd December 1916 with an additional Austrian field post cancellation. 






Michel P 13 (1920), 10 q red.





Michel P 14 (1920), 5 q green. 



The Postal Stationary for 1926 and onwards you find here!


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